The girls were born on November 16th, 2007, 16 weeks early. Mallory Kate – 1 lb 8 oz, Evan Reese – 1 lb 1 oz, and Kelby Grace – 1 lb 5 oz. Upon their delivery, Mallory and Kelby were transferred to St. David’s South and were doing fairly well considering the circumstances. Our little Evan Reese was a fighter, but she had a lot of problems and she was with us for about 5 hours. We love you Evan and we miss you everyday, but we know we’ll see you again one day. Mallory and Kelby both went through a lot in their 105 day stay in the hospital, from heart surgeries, to brain bleeds, to infections. Many prayers were answered and we thank God everyday for everything He has done for them. Today they are perfectly healthy and growing bigger and stronger everyday. We started this blog to keep everybody updated on their progress. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page for a slideshow from the NICU days.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sleepless Nights.....

Well, we've had a few of those. It hasn't been too bad, though. Just wanted to update since we haven't blogged in a while. The girls are doing great. They went to the doctor on Monday for their four month shots - five of 'em - Not fun...

They did pretty good. Of course there was lots of screaming. The doctor thought they looked great and are progressing right on schedule. Mallory was 8 lb 5 oz and Kelby was 7 lb 11 oz. Kelby's reflux is so much better. She still shows signs of it, but the Prilosec is working wonders. We are starting to wonder if Mallory might have reflux also. She just spits up a lot and sometimes acts like she doesn't want to eat even when she's starving. Overall they are both doing great though.

They are getting more aware of the things around them now, I think. They have started smiling a little bit in their sleep. We haven't gotten a real smile from either of them yet when they're awake. They have been looking at us a lot more now - especially when they're eating - they will just stare up at us - so cute. Right before bedtime they are both usually wide awake and just looking around, checking out their new surroundings. Heidi (the dog) has gotten used to them - finally. She wanted no part of it at first and definitely wanted to be rid of them. But she has grown to accept them as part of the family. She seems to worry about them when they're crying - she goes to check on them and when they're in the bouncy seat on the floor she'll go by and sniff them or nudge their feet. She was rather annoyed at first during the nighttime feedings, wondering what we were doing up at that hour, but she has gotten to where she sleeps right through it, she gets annoyed at times, but just buries her nose in her pillow.

Although there are some nights when we moan and groan when we hear the cries of hungry babies at 3 AM, when we get in there and see their sweet little faces it's easy to remember how lucky and blessed we are to have them home.