The girls were born on November 16th, 2007, 16 weeks early. Mallory Kate – 1 lb 8 oz, Evan Reese – 1 lb 1 oz, and Kelby Grace – 1 lb 5 oz. Upon their delivery, Mallory and Kelby were transferred to St. David’s South and were doing fairly well considering the circumstances. Our little Evan Reese was a fighter, but she had a lot of problems and she was with us for about 5 hours. We love you Evan and we miss you everyday, but we know we’ll see you again one day. Mallory and Kelby both went through a lot in their 105 day stay in the hospital, from heart surgeries, to brain bleeds, to infections. Many prayers were answered and we thank God everyday for everything He has done for them. Today they are perfectly healthy and growing bigger and stronger everyday. We started this blog to keep everybody updated on their progress. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page for a slideshow from the NICU days.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rainy Days are good for Sleeping.....

Especially if you partied all night!

While my little angels are finally sleeping I thought I would add a quick post. First I wanted to add a note about the Play Time = Nap Time- If you notice Kelby had a wardrobe change in between shots. She loved practicing rolling over so much she pewked!

Things are going good so far. Kelby has been put on Prilosec- thankfully! She has a touch of acid reflux and her Theophylline just adds to it. After a few nights screaming we got the perscription on Friday night. She has been spending lots of time in the bouncy seat and laying on the dryer. (perfect solution to anyone with an upset baby- lay them on the dryer and the vibrations and humm will lull them to sleep in seconds!!) The Prilosec seems to be kicking in today- either that or she is so tired from last night that she doesn't care. haha!

Thankfully her crying doesn't upset Mallory, she just lays there and sleeps or stares at her. Mallory is quite convinced that the swing is the best invention, that along with a relaxing warm bath - what more could a girl ask for!

Overall things are normal: Feed the girls, Burp the girls and Change the girls~ Wash bottles and repeat!

-as soon as Kelby feels a little better we will post some pics of her. The last thing she wants now is the camera in her face- can you blame her?

Loving Motherhood!


Melody Forest McKee said...

Precious! Man, I feel ya Kelby! I would be screaming too if I didn't have my acid reflux medicine. Poor baby! I'm glad she is doing better. Sweet babies!

RG Mama said...

Gorgeous girls! Call if you have reflux questions. Roo had a long tough battle with that, too.

Shannon said...

awwwwwwwwww. The sink bath. How fun those are. Wouldnt you just love for someone to give you a bath a bottle adn send you to bed? Man, I would. The girls are beautiful!
Jen, Im here all day if ya ever want to call. Ill try to give you a call sometime this week or next.