The girls were born on November 16th, 2007, 16 weeks early. Mallory Kate – 1 lb 8 oz, Evan Reese – 1 lb 1 oz, and Kelby Grace – 1 lb 5 oz. Upon their delivery, Mallory and Kelby were transferred to St. David’s South and were doing fairly well considering the circumstances. Our little Evan Reese was a fighter, but she had a lot of problems and she was with us for about 5 hours. We love you Evan and we miss you everyday, but we know we’ll see you again one day. Mallory and Kelby both went through a lot in their 105 day stay in the hospital, from heart surgeries, to brain bleeds, to infections. Many prayers were answered and we thank God everyday for everything He has done for them. Today they are perfectly healthy and growing bigger and stronger everyday. We started this blog to keep everybody updated on their progress. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page for a slideshow from the NICU days.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


We have so much to thank God for. The girls are doing really well, and the last few weeks have brought a lot of good news. Mallory and Kelby are still growing and doing well breathing. The doctors are really pleased with their progress. They have each told us that they are anxious to turn down their oxygen requirements everyday, but they don't want to rush it. They say that by next week, they will try to take them off of the CPAP to see how they do without it. Mallory is now big enough to wear clothes, she has been since the first of this week. Kelby will be soon.

We got some great news last night. As we mentioned before, Kelby had a brain bleed that showed up when she was about 4 days old. It was a Grade 4 bleed, which is one of the worst they can have. Basically, there was bleeding into the ventricles of her brain. They told us at the time that they would just have to watch it and see what happens, I think they were expecting to have problems with it. They went into more detail than I will here on the blog, but... point to the story... They did another head ultrasound yesterday morning and they found almost no sign of the bleed. The doctors all told us that they were shocked. They said there were a few small areas that were affected by it, but there is a good chance that she won't have any long term affects at all. If anything, the doctors said she could possibly have some developmental difficulty with movement or stiffness of her arms and legs, but if (big IF) that does show up, it can be treated with physical therapy. We thank God everyday for these baby girls and everything He is doing for them. We also thank Him for all of you who have been praying for the girls over the last few months. Thank you all again for your support and prayers.


Anonymous said...

That is AMAZING news! We pray specifically for NO side effects from prematurity at all... anywhere! Let me know if you need more preemie clothes. I've got plenty to lend.

Shannon said...

Yes exactly. We pray specifically for no side effects! Great news on Kelby ya'll. Still keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Not too much longer and these babies will be home keeping you up at night ;);) Oh boy!

Melody said...

the power of prayer! that is awesome. can't wait to hold those precious babies.