The girls were born on November 16th, 2007, 16 weeks early. Mallory Kate – 1 lb 8 oz, Evan Reese – 1 lb 1 oz, and Kelby Grace – 1 lb 5 oz. Upon their delivery, Mallory and Kelby were transferred to St. David’s South and were doing fairly well considering the circumstances. Our little Evan Reese was a fighter, but she had a lot of problems and she was with us for about 5 hours. We love you Evan and we miss you everyday, but we know we’ll see you again one day. Mallory and Kelby both went through a lot in their 105 day stay in the hospital, from heart surgeries, to brain bleeds, to infections. Many prayers were answered and we thank God everyday for everything He has done for them. Today they are perfectly healthy and growing bigger and stronger everyday. We started this blog to keep everybody updated on their progress. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page for a slideshow from the NICU days.

Monday, December 31, 2007


The girls are both doing really well. Mallory is now 3 lb 2 oz and Kelby is 2 lb 6 oz. Kelby is still a little bit behind her sister since she had to be taken off of her feedings for a few days a while back. They are both eating well now and breathing well on CPAP. Mallory's air has been turned down a little (meaning she is starting to breathe better on her own) and the doctor told us yesterday that they will probably be turning Kelby's down in a few days, they probably could do it now, but they don't want to rush it. Mallory has been put on medication for the rapid heartbeat episodes she was having last week and she has not had any since then. The doctors are going to try to take her off of the medication this week and see how that goes. They think she may have just outgrown it and will not need the medication, we'll see. We have been able to hold them both quite a bit and they are growing so much everyday. Some of the nurses that haven't cared for them in a while come by to see them and can't believe the progress they've made in the last few weeks. They are getting bigger, their little legs and arms are even starting to get a little bit chubby if you can believe that. They're just starting to fill out and they're looking more like full term babies. They've still got a ways to go, but they're getting there.


Melody said...

WOW! Can you believe Mal is over 3 lbs? That is amazing! Kelby will catch up quickly, I'm sure. It was so great to see you guys last week. Have a wonderful New Year! Love you all.

Shannon said...

Awesome news! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? We wish you all a Happy New Year!
Shannon and Carey and Kids

Anonymous said...

What great progress they're making! Your girls are now just about the weights my girls were at birth. I bet you've got your babies home by the end of January!