The girls were born on November 16th, 2007, 16 weeks early. Mallory Kate – 1 lb 8 oz, Evan Reese – 1 lb 1 oz, and Kelby Grace – 1 lb 5 oz. Upon their delivery, Mallory and Kelby were transferred to St. David’s South and were doing fairly well considering the circumstances. Our little Evan Reese was a fighter, but she had a lot of problems and she was with us for about 5 hours. We love you Evan and we miss you everyday, but we know we’ll see you again one day. Mallory and Kelby both went through a lot in their 105 day stay in the hospital, from heart surgeries, to brain bleeds, to infections. Many prayers were answered and we thank God everyday for everything He has done for them. Today they are perfectly healthy and growing bigger and stronger everyday. We started this blog to keep everybody updated on their progress. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page for a slideshow from the NICU days.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Pics

Kelby & Mallory

They would smile until we took the picture!

I can sit all by myself - well as long as you prop me up!

Relaxing with Gran after breakfast.

We have been home for 2months!!!

Watching HGTV - we don't like Baby Einstein we preffer HGTV,Style Channel or CMT


Melody Forest McKee said...

OH. my. goodness! I cannot WAIT until I see y'all on Friday!!! WOOHOOO, They look so big!

texasberries said...

They are so precious and it's so great that they already have a buddy to watch HGTV with! Eventually they'll share decorating tips, right?

Great Pictures!

Shannon said...

Learning how to decorate is a MUST! This pic totally reminds me of when my kids where that little. They are just gorgeous!
PS: we had a 4:35am morning the other night too! FUN!